Wednesday 13 February 2013

'All That We Needed' chosing font/chosen font

As a group we needed to decide what font 'All That We Needed' the band name would be in. However when we were experimenting with fonts we originally were having the album name as 'Hey There Delilah' which is why these fonts are based on that song title. The typeface for this album name would be the same as for the 'Plain White T's' to create consistency and a professional look to our promotional packagae. However there will be different elements and effects done on the bands name to the album name to differentiate them. Below are the fonts we researched and tried out:

We then as agroup narrowed it down to two different fonts that we thought stood out best and reflected the genre the most. These fonts were 'Poor Richard' and 'Pristina.' We liked the formalness of the poor richard font as it isnt over the top, it is cleard to read and in a non edgey serious font. We also liked the 'Pristina' font as it is in italics which could reflect hand writing which reflects the romantic genre of love letters. However when it is put in capitals it doesnt look as effective or romantic. We decided to see how the font would look in a smaller font, incase we wished to use it for the song lyrics text, it was clear that Poor Richard was easier to read and looked much neater and effective.

Therefore our chosen typeface for 'All That We Needed' and 'Plain White T's' is Poor Richard.

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