Monday 18 February 2013

Analysing A Music Video Following The Indie Pop Genre

Analysis of 'Love lost' music video by 'The Temper Trap'

  1. Opening shot starts with dialogue, showing an intimidating and bossy athletics coach giving them orders. The setting is on what looks like a cross country field.
  2. The mood of the song is glum and dull, therefore the lighting is moody and damp.
  3. The narrative shows children starting to run, it begins focused on one boy, camera moves back smoothly so it looks like he isn't getting very far, slow movement of camera just like the pace of running.The boy keeps moving lower under the camera but camera stays at the same level at all times, it moves left to right smoothly to show different band members.
  4. The beat of the guitar and snare drum moves in time with the running
  5. The children are the band members, therefore they are miming the words,this is a different style. Other band members (children ) are introduced singing and running.
  6. They are wearing all white running outfits, stand out from the green forest background, there clothes and faces are also muddy to show how long and hard they have been working.
  7. Sudden stop of running as music builds up, camera zooms out into a wide shot of all runners. as the music gets up beat, they do exercises in time with the music, very unconventional all in sync.
  8. As music goes back into verses, they start to run again, camera stays in the same position but they all peel out left to right so there is no one on camera.
  9. Camera then moves up to a low angle shot of the sky, pathetic fallacy- thunder and lighting reflecting their unhappiness and band moods, also a coincidence that there day is getting worse and worse.
  10. Abstract images of crow flying and chirping.
  11. As they do pressups the camera becomes level with them so you are in the action.
  12. Low shot of them running, to show that they are determined to prove their coach wrong,the camera is almost acting as the athletic coach. The camera moves away from them, jumping into the mud in time with the beat, there are also small explosions matching the beat as well.
  13. Music is interrupted by dialogue, which thenfinishes as the beat kicks in again. New characters are introduced, showing the girls running faster than the boys
  14. The girls are all clean in red, a particular colour that stands for love, reflecting the song theme.
  15. The genre of the song is not reflected or portrayed in the music video which is also unconventional
  16. The end shot is a landscape view of the setting (field.) Comedic ending as the boy is sick but carries on running.

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