Tuesday 5 February 2013

Chosen Genre

As a group we carried out a survey to 40 different people from different social groups to find out peoples preferred music genre, by doing this we would find the most popular genre which would therefore cater to most people. The options of genre we gave people were metal, rock, indie, pop, rap and r&b, below are our results:

It was clear that Indie and Pop were the most popular genres which was convenient as we could merge the genres together creating a sub genre of indie pop, this is similar to the merging of pop and rock (pop rock.)
This survey however wasn't the only way we reached our decision for as a group we chose OUR two favourite genres which coincidentally happened to be the same. From this we created mood boards, displaying indie bands and pop bands. When deciding what bands come under what category we realized that some of them came under both which led us to creating an indie pop mood board as well. We were more fond of the indie pop genre as the elements we wanted within our song is for it not to be too fast, toned down and meaningful. This would reflect the indie side of our chosen song however we also wanted it to includes some chords that can represent the element of catchy pop genre as well, creating the sub genre of indie pop.

Indie Mood Board:

Pop Mood Board:

Indie Pop Mood board:

 We chose the genre of indie pop as pop on its own it is stereotyped as cheesy, happy, bubbly and fun we wanted to break away from the happy side of it, breaking the fourth wall allowing the audience to feel emotion. We felt in order for this to be effective we needed the genre to be indie pop, having two genres in one is effective as there is a wider audience, those who like indie music and those who like pop or in some cases both. It caters to two different social groups and ages.

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