Thursday 7 February 2013

Choosing A Song

Having now established the band we were using we then had to consider which song we would like to create a music video for. After researching various Plain White T's music videos we narrowed our choice down to 3 songs:
  • 1,2,3,4
  • Hey There Delilah
  • Rhythm Of Love

Hey There Delilah

Rhythm Of Love

These three songs share a similar narrative to do with love and relationships, from the start we knew that we wanted love as our main genre for our song as we felt we could portray that well through acting and camera shots. These three songs however vary in speed, rhythm of love is more cheerful and up tempo.1,2,3,4 is cheerful and has a catchy chorus and Hey There Delilah, is more mellow, slower and sticks to the same low tone. When listening to all three songs we realized that we wanted our music video to emphasize emotion therefore be less upbeat, this also meant that we didn't want many instruments involved however 'Rhythm of love' consists of a variety of instruments. This caused us to eliminate 'Rhythm Of Love' from our choices leaving us with 'Hey There Delilah' and '1,2,3,4.' When making this choice instead of thinking about the song we focused on the video itself and what we thought would be more effective and suitable for us. Even though we aren't creating a copy we still wanted to include elements and stick to a similar style. It was clear that 1,2,3,4 was a cheaper video to be made with the consistent monochrome theme and text displayed. The video to us lacked creativity however we did like the style of using random people of the street and using a hand held camera to make it more personal like a documentary of their life.Hey There Delilah however expressed realism and real life issues which would lure in an audience. We were also fond of the three way split screen as it helped to move the narrative forward and show three different settings/footage in one shot.

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