Monday 18 February 2013

Analysing a music video following the indie pop genre

Analysis of the 'Jump Into The Fog' music video by 'The Wombats'

  1. Opening shot of piano being played however only showing the hands.
  2. Fuzzy effect on screen as if its an old tape
  3. Setting in a hotel lobby which is breaking the rules and therefore reflecting there rebellious stereotype
  4. Hue and saturated effect as it is gloomy with a yellow/brown colour tone
  5. Slow motion on the acting to differentiate band filming to narrative
  6. First part of singing is zoomed up on face but from a high shot and the camera moves with the movement of the guitarist
  7. The use of fog to represent the song lyrics
  8. There are many cross dissolves used to change from scene to scene
  9. Smart clothing worn (suits) even though it's the opposite to there stereotype so they don't have all buttons done up or shirts tucked in. Plus the lead singer is wearing glasses to differentiate him from the other band members.
  10. Gaze Theory is used as the narrative shows many attractive girls, especially the zoom shot of the ladies shoe and tights to tease the audience.
  11. Cool effect in the solo singing shot when hes just sitting in the room, monotone blank stares not much movement looking sarcastic and bored
  12. Red glow appears when things have turned bad as the solo band shots start to move into the corridor as the narrative does
  13. Low angle shots of band playing
  14. Camera jumps as it says jump into fog as it matches the lyrics and makes the audience jump in sync
  15. Quick movement from each band members playing as it matches the drum beats.
  16. The last shot is a swoop of fog covering the screen

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